About our Farm

Crunchy Goodness Urban Homesteading is a blog that follows my family's quest to become homesteaders right in the middle of a small rural town. 

Homesteading means many different things, and activities to many different people, but in the end, it's all about self sustainability right? We're all trying to make our lives a bit better one layer hen or nanny goat at a time. 
Im a stay at home mother of four children, Matthew, Katherine, Andrew and Patrick. We live on a quarter acre lot in the middle of a small rural town in Nebraska, home to the lush, fertile Prairie-land and part of the original Homesteading Act. Even though I'm currently at home with the kids, I do "work" inside the home by running a baby boutique business along with selling extra seedlings and produce from the garden. While it's not a career, it's surely doing what I love, and loving what I do. 

Living in the city, we have the best of both worlds right now. School is within walking distance, everything we need within walking and biking distance, including Mr. Crunchy's work. While we do wish eventually for 50 acres, a wood stove and a dairy cow, we're pretty content right where we are in life. 

We love to garden, cook, bake, knit, sew, and create just about anything you can think of. If it can be built in some fashion, me and the kids are usually out trying to build it. We're interested in a more sustainable life for our children, including sourcing what food we do purchase locally, but raising our own produce and eggs/chicken. What food we do grow, we not only eat during the summer, but try to grow enough and preserve the rest for the winter by canning/dehydrating/freezing. 
We believe in not only raising the kids to be productive members of society but also teaching them what schools can't. We are teaching them where their food comes from, how to produce and procure that food for themselves and how to prepare the food. They are involved in each process from the seed going into the greenhouse to the tomatoes coming off the vine and being water bathed as pasta sauce for the winter. 

It is such an honor to have you here to share our journey with us! We'd love to have you come on over to our Crunchy Goodness Facebook page and share your journey, no matter how small or large with us as well.