I can't believe it's already August! Where has the summer gone? Our garden is producing and starting to look really good! How are yours looking?
Tomatoes are finally turning! Check all those spots of red in there!
Won't be long now and our canning will go from the occasional
batch to serious biznass! |
Strawberries! They need to be weeded in the middle there and you
can see the runners keep running! Every week I go through and pinch
off the extra runners as we've got enough this season. I'm also wondering if the
plants are June bearing unlike I was told at the nursery, we've not had a bloom since late June |
Pea plants for our fall crop, they're getting big already! |
Can you believe this melon patch? I have tried to keep it
contained, but to no avail! |
Potatoes are still flowering and I rummaged around, they're growing just fine! |
I might be really proud of these strawberry plants that I have to show two pics! |
Our lima beans are...beaning! We have a ton of these pods and it won't be long
till we can pick them! |
Tell me these aren't just gorgeous! These are the black cherokee beans we
planted, we like black beans in this house. I am just amazed how beautiful they are. |
This is what iron deficiency looks like in strawberry plants. The yellowing of the
leaves the green veins and the brown on the edges. We've added bone meal and
you can see the ones next to it have perked up a bit already. I estimate within a week
they'll all be back to being green. |
Side yard garden. All that green is just so pretty! |
Carrots are finally getting it! Bout time too! |
Look how tall these carrot tops are. We thinned a few weeks ago and might
need to thin a few more, but oh well, yummy carrots! |
Love these maters. All that red coming in. |
Cherry tomatoes have been producing for a couple of weeks now.
Getting enough to eat in my salad every other day. And there's nothing
better than a homegrown tomato in your salad. |
Lookit how the watermelon vines have just creeped out of the fencing much to my dismay!
I tried to keep them contained, but I would wind them up only to come out the next morning and find
them through the fence and blooming, and I didn't want to hurt the blooms! |
These are bigger than they seem in the picture. The largest one, on the left is probably about 10lbs by now, and they're
growing larger every day. I can't wait to eat them! The kids are super excited too, wanting to check progress every day. |
A hidden watermelon I found this morning. I don't know how I missed it. It's about 10 inches long. |
What's left of our bean patch. We've got Montezuma Reds, Black Cherokee, Green Snap and Lima Beans. |
I don't remember which variety I planted, but these are getting about a foot long before they're ready.
They're also cross pollinating with my Boston pickling cukes and are making for some very misshapen
cucumber "balls". I need to not plant so close next time! |
I completely forgot until two days ago when it began to turn, that I'd planted red peppers.
Isn't it gorgeous! |
These are the hot peppers I planted in the Smart Grow containers for salsa. I am really pleased with these containers. Six plants fit in this container and they're thriving! |
Potatoes. Won't be long now, it seems. Some of the foliage is starting to die off already. More Smart Pot Containers. |
Finally! A bloom on the Eggplant! We haven't had any eggplant yet this season. |
Your garden is beautiful and those watermelon look wonderful! Congratulations!